Travel insurance is strongly recommended to all visitors heading to Bhutan for any purpose, without travel insurance your e-visa will not approve by the Department of Immigration of Bhutan.

There is also an option to purchase domestic travel insurance from Bhutanese insurance providers Bhutan Insurance Limited and Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited.


  •   Permanent Total Disability
  •   Emergency Medical Evacuation
  •  Third-Party Liability
  •   Repatriation of Mortal Remains
  •   Return Trip Delay
  •  Accident/ Illness Treatment Expenses
  •   Loss of Passport & Baggage during the Trip; and
  •   Death.


  •  Expenses arising from pre-existing medical conditions
  •  Pre-planned/pre-known medical/dental treatment or diagnostic procedure
  •   Treatment, which in the opinion of the Medical Practitioner can be delayed until the Insured’s return to the country of departure


  •   Medical or dental treatment not of a surgical or medical procedure
  •   Any costs related to pregnancy or childbirth
  •   Death due to suicide
  •   Injury to, or death of, any family member or household of the insured, or person in the service or the insured
  •   Property belonging to, or held in trust by the insured or insured’s family, household or employees
  •   Loss or damage to property which is the legal responsibility of the insured or the insured’s family, household, or employee
  •   Any liability which attaches by virtue of a contractual agreement, but which would not exist in law in absence of such an agreement; and
  •   Liability of material damage for which the cover is provided under any other insurance.